Biology, asked by harayuli104, 1 year ago

Ddifferent between endemic and exotic species


Answered by emmguru
Endemic species are those whose distributions are restricted to a certain geographical area, mostly the place where they evolved. All endemic species are indigenous but all indigenous are not endemic. The difference between endemic and indigenous is that the former is restricted in its distribution to a small area whereas the later is not.
Exotic species are those which has been introduced (in the particular geographical area) by humans either deliberately or by accident. Thus, Argemone mexicana was introduced in Indian subcontinent accidentally but Lantana camara was introduced deliberately. Both are exotic and incidentally both are invasive too. While in many cases exotic species caused havoc to indigenous biodiversity (read the story of nile perch in Lake Victoria nicely told by Jared Diamond in his book Collapse), not all species introductions are harmful. The Hippopotamus — an endangered species in sub-Saharan Africa, was introduced in Colombia by drug lord Pablo Escober for recreational purposes — has provided the animals a much needed second home.
Answered by ananyav444


Explanation:Endemic species are the ones that belong to a particular area, whereas, exotic species are those which belong to some other region but are introduced in a foreign region. Endemic species are restricted to a particular area whereas exotic species are not.

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