Chemistry, asked by AjayisAjay, 10 months ago

Dear friends pls explain the terms :

1/ shotckey. Defect.

2/ frankel defect.

This is chapter solid state of matter.


Answered by Anonymous

Hey mate you answer ❤️

#1 A Schottky defect is a type of point defect in a crystal lattice named after Walter H. Schottky. In non-ionic crystals it means a lattice vacancy defect. In ionic crystals, the defect forms when oppositely charged ions leave their lattice sites, creating vacancies.

#2 A Frenkel defect or Frenkel disorder is a type of point defect in a crystal lattice. The defect forms when an atom or smaller ion (usually cation) leaves its place in the lattice, creating a vacancy, and becomes an interstitial by lodging in a nearby location.

Answered by TheInsaneGirl
Heya !


→ Before coming to the Question , let me explain that these two are the point defects in Stochiometric crystals . These are those compounds in which the number of +ve and -ve ions are exactly in the same ratio as indicated by their chemical formula .


These defects are classified as -

•Shotckey Defect & •Frenkel Defect

★Shotckey Defect : If some of the atoms or kind are missing from their normal sides and leaves holes give rise to the Shotckey Defect. Due to this defect , the density of Crystal _Decreases_ . This type of appears in crystals of NaCl ( Sodium Chloride ) , KCl , AgBr and CaCl2 .

→ Conditions of this defect -

(i) Crystals having high Coordination Number .

(ii) Cations and Anions should be of same sizes.

→Consequences of this defect - It Decreases the density of the solid as the volume decreases .


★Frenkel Defect : This defect arises when an ion is missing from its normal sides and occupies the inter stecial sides. It is found in crystals Like AgCl and ZnS.

→ Conditions of this defect -

(i) The coordination number is low.

(ii) Anions are larger than cations.

→Consequences of this defect : It doesnt alter the density as the mass and volume remains the same .



AjayisAjay: Best Answerr dear
AjayisAjay: All doubts clear ! much appreciated
AjayisAjay: Can you answer my next question also pls
AjayisAjay: same chapter
TheInsaneGirl: answered sir ✔
TheInsaneGirl: Hope it's fine
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