Debate against the topic that snake charmers should continue with their profession
Snake charmers should continue with their profession (against)
Good morning everyone; I am going to speak against the motion ‘snake charmers should continue with their profession’.
Well, I strongly feel snake charmers should not continue with their profession; traditionally they were people wearing ochre colored robes, leading a vagrant’s life playing their wind instrument (called Pungi or Been), showing snakes to people or catching snakes from people’s houses to earn a living. In the past there used to be many snakes; but at present there are only a few left.
The snake charmers’ profession should be modified. The Government must hire them and link them to wild life conservation programmes. They should be given the task of saving snakes from urban areas. They should be stationed at snake rescue centers.
The moment any snake from wild-life enters a house, shop, or building in the city, town or village, they should rush to that place to catch them and leave them back in the wilderness.
I strongly feel, this is how the snake charmers’ profession should be allowed to continue.
Although snake charmers earn a living performing game shows with snakes, they often ill-treat them, and the snake dies.
They also force people to believe in superstitions.
Therefore, it is best to not to allow them with their profession but take their services and experience in conservation of the snakes as they are needed for maintaining the ecological balance of ours.