English, asked by Jyotiii243, 1 year ago

Debate on Brain drain is not a bane for a developing country like india. (either against or for the motion)


Answered by upenderjoshi28

Good morning everyone present. I am going to express my views on ‘Brain drain is not a bane for a developing country like India’. I am going to speak against the motion. Brain drain is one of the many problems India is trying to grapple with. Hundreds of skilled professionals are immigrating to advanced countries in Europe, U.K., Canada, America, Australia, New-Zealand, and UAE. Let’s see some of the pros and cons of this brain drain for the country.

Undoubtedly, this huge loss of skilled human resource affects the national development quite adversely. Thousands of skilled professionals such as engineers, IT professionals, doctors, scientists, accountants, managers, teachers, and general workers immigrate to the countries mentioned above for various reasons. If all those skilled professionals stayed back in India and contributed to her developmental process, the development would happen far faster than without them. India is working as a nursery for creating skilled professionals for the advanced countries of the world at the cost of her own interests. Sataya Nadella, Sundar Pichai, Indra Nooyi, Shantanu Narayan, etc. are some of the famous Indians who are leading the world renowned foreign companies. Imagine the chain of ripple effects of national development their expertise would cause if they stayed and worked in India!

Now let’s ponder over the causes that influence brain drain. Better life conditions, higher pay packages, better health facilities, transparency, better working environment, incentives are some of the causes that motivate the skilled professionals to immigrate to advanced countries mentioned above.

On the other hand substandard living conditions, under-utilization of skilled and semi- skilled personnel; lack of adequate working conditions; poor management, low and corroding wages, discrimination in recruitments and promotions, corruption, general backwardness and instability, etc. are some of the factors that also compel skilled Indians to immigrate to advanced countries.

The Indian Government should look into these causes and must strive to create better work culture, facilities, and opportunities to skilled professionals in the country. The Government must aim at creating world class life-conditions, pay-packages, transparency, financial and health security, incentives, etc here in India.



Answered by myrakincsem
Hello everyone, my name is (your name) and today here to speak on the topic "Debate on Brain drain is not a bane for a developing country like india". The brain drain is really a important issue for our country. The number of highly skilled person migrating towards other country is seems to be increasing day by day . This result in lack of skilled and professional personality within the country and ultimately the quality may also be decrease . There are different reason for the this which includes the lack of employment  and also the sometimes lack of funding. The teachers, doctors and other professionals are migrating to the number of countries . This is why we also see the indian professions and skilled persons in different countries where they are being highly paid. There is need to take steps regarding this which could retain this  brain draining so that the they could participate in the progress of country.
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