English, asked by good352, 10 months ago

debate on entrance test is the true test of ability


Answered by shivanshusingh97

Examination is the only way Examination is the only way Yes! Examination is the only efficient way to test one's true ability.

This helps us remember howto do things.Take for example, the things we do everyday like buying things with money etc are only because of the exams we did.

Only due to examination,I am able to debate this topic for I have been writing the English examination for years.

This is only due to examination that our countries are progressing further as new ideas found due to leading to businesses leading to a rapid progress.

The main mantra about examination is not about how smart you are but the effort and hard work you apply.

Examination also determines the on how schedule your day by managing time for studies and others activities.The way we handle stress is also determined by examination.These our shown in the way we have written.

So imagine the world with no examinations,what would happen?There would be only fighting,no love,no progress only bloodshed which all of us would be dead and extinct like mammoths.

Therefore examination is the test of everything.

Answered by SulagnaRoutray


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