English, asked by simran24278, 9 months ago

Debate on internet in favour and against for 10-15 mins Plzzz it is urgent


Answered by suyashgoku13

In favour

Internet is very useful nowadays as when there is no one to help us in studying we can just search online and get our answer. Nowadays we can also order food for us online by using internet. We can also download files which can help us in many ways. Today, people can pay money to access the Internet from internet service providers. Some services on the Internet cost nothing to use. Sometimes people who offer these free services use advertising to make money. Censorship and freedom of speech on the Internet can be controversial.The Internet is used for many things, such as electronic mail, online chat, file transfer, and the interlinked web pages and other documents of the World Wide Web. Uses of internet are as follows:-

Electronic mail. At least 85% of the inhabitants of cyberspace send and receive e-mail. Some 20 million e-mail messages cross the Internet every week.


Downloading files.

Discussion groups. These include public groups, such as those on Usenet, and the private mailing lists that ListServ manages.

Interactive games. Who hasn’t tried to hunt down at least one game?

Education and self-improvement. On-line courses and workshops have found yet another outlet.

Friendship and dating. You may be surprised at the number of electronic "personals" that you can find on the World Wide Web.

Electronic newspapers and magazines. This category includes late-breaking news, weather, and sports. We’re likely to see this category leap to the top five in the next several years.

Job-hunting. Classified ads are in abundance, but most are for technical positions.

Shopping. It’s difficult to believe that this category even ranks. It appears that "cybermalls" are more for curious than serious shoppers.

Answered by upenderjoshi28

Good morning every one present. I am going to debate on ‘Internet : Good or Bad?’ There is a famous expression 'Water, water, every where, Nor any drop to drink.' by Samuel Taylor Coleridge in his poem 'Rime of the Ancient Mariner.' This expression aptly describes the plight of misuse of abundance of information available on internet. In the modern context of the above quoted lines we can say there is 'Internet, internet everywhere, not much good use of it.' I strongly feel the easy accessibility of all types of information on the Internet is doing more harm than good to the younger generation.  

There is no denying the fact that equally good and useful information related to studies, education, books and health is freely available, but unfortunately the number of people who access these useful sites is far less compared to those who access pornographic, video games, songs and other related sites! How many of us have seen a youngster using his smart-phone to surf an educational site? I know the answer! Very rarely! Our younsters use Facebook, Whatsapp, Youtube, and similar sites on their high-end smart-phones and tabs; not any educational or other informative sites! They have become so much addicted to these useless, time-wasting sites, that they are ready to happily sacrifice their study and research hours for the sake of their fruitless, pleasure seeking pursuits! They are going astray!  

I strongly feel they need to be shown the right way. Internet in itself is a wonderful reference source, but it needs to be handled with care, which are youth need to be trained into. The need of the hour is strict monitoring. At this tender age the youth should be provided controlled access to the internet. Sites such as show pornographic stuff, violence, aggressive games, etc should be inaccessible to the youth. On the other hand, online libraries, study reference material, counseling, meditation, healthy living life style, positive mind building games related to studies, encyclopedias, etc should be provided free of cost. These basics steps taken can really prove to be extremely beneficial to children and youngsters.  

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