English, asked by roomikachinn, 1 year ago



Answered by saimurali
the best point against right to eduction act is that the law states that everone have equal opportuinity in getting education but still why do we have  reservations for shedul cast and shedul tribe and even government officials quota when majority have all the faclaties for education due to this many middle class people are not getting seats in best collages 

use this point strongly so that u may win

Answered by Anonymous

The Right to education act is a realistic and achievablegoal that will change the face of education in India.”My knowledgeable friends have drawn a rosy and optimistic picture of our country’sfuture in the field of education. Everyone’s taking about the time when each and everyindian citizen will hold a graduate degree in hands. But let me wake you up, its too far !Passed in 2009, the RTE Act came into force on April 1, 2010. According to the Act,every child between the ages of 6 to 14 has the right to free and compulsory education,without any child being subjected to social or cultural discrimination.This is a very good but an impractical step. Looking at the present shortage of teachers ingovernment schools, every teacher will likely end up with a class of 80+ students, whichwill be impossible for them to handle. In my view, the creators of the act have put thingson paper without taking ground realities into consideration.Speaking on the issue, J. S. Rajput, former director of NCERT says, “ 90 per cent ofgovernment schools do not meet the standards required under RTE Act. If their schoolscant meet the standards how can they transfer their responsibility to private schools.Students from the underprivileged sections often do not gel well with the students inprivate schools, thus they either withdraw themselves or get hyper. If we really want todo something for economically weaker section, we could have started a second shift inthe evening.”The change can’t be brought overnight we have to climb small steps inspite ofmisleading. Why can’t these govt. introduce acts for the country rather than for votes?Friends the day this bafflement will be solved, RTE would become a realisitc andacheivable goal and India would possess a new face. That would be the day when I’ll be apart of my opponents team, as we are born for the coountry and we’ll die for it

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