Debatical speech on artificial intelligence is boon
Every age has its scientific discoveries and inventions. But today’s scientific advancements can impact globally in very short time. Such is the progress made in the field of artificial intelligence or AI.
AI is in simple terms machines and computers learning, thinking and doing what human intelligence does. Instead of doing certain tasks repeatedly, with AI, machines operate from data that we feed them with to recognize human voices, use human language, drive cars or even the ability to suggest the next course of treatment or an article or book you might like to read.
Artificial Intelligence is something which impacts our everyday life. If you have ever used the Google search engine they give you optimized, so near to what you asked for results based on AI. On the other extreme AI is used in Robotics and even in weaponry which can function without human aid.
Now let me ask this vital question, why is there a surge in the field of AI? Several thrusts can be pointed out. But science and technology is trying to create a super intelligence that can outperform human beings not just in specific tasks but in complex cognitive activity which includes decision-making, problem-solving, memory, speech recognition, attention and judgement.
This can lead mankind to a life of ease like never known before when lot of what they had to perform is done to perfection with the help of AI aided robots or machines. But then there is a danger here. What if AI through some chance or misjudged human calculation acquires smarter intelligence that can control human beings or wreck disasters unheard of?
Yes, there are benefits of AI that we are yet to see that far outweighs these assumed dangers. Maybe no one can stop the march of science or those with scientific pursuit and perseverance who are passionately working in the R & D of AI. Soon someday what many thought as Science Fiction, which people read about in novels or watched in movies as future becomes real and operational now.
If AI creates automated jobs in plenty, will that replace much of human skill and labour? That might be an interesting question of concern to many. Or will AI create more careers or at least offer a few career paths which intelligent kids might be tempted to pursue?
Well, let me conclude. There was a time called the beginning when God created man in his image and likeness. But man running independent of God is capable of acts and deeds that mar the purpose for which man was created. We see the impact of that in the environment as well as in senseless destruction through wars and man’s greed.
Likewise AI created by man to have the complex ability to think and act like human beings can act in destructive mode if something goes wrong. Hacking and programming errors or even robots starting to communicate with each other in a language man will not be able to understand can well be the nightmare of tomorrow.
As the world’s leading technology Companies are competing with each other to show the world their prowess through pioneering AI; as efforts are being made to deify AI to semi-god status, robots can some day gain enough intelligence to challenge the might of man. Though it might be in the future, we might lose our sleep on it this very night.
Thank you.
Artificial intelligence and Machine learning
Artificial intelligence is the intelligence of humans used by computers with the help of simulation. The all machines and computers which we use today works with the help of Humans. Means, they don't have their own capacity to think and take decisions. The computers which we use today works with the help of Operating system (OS). Which make the connection between the humans and computers. The Artificial intelligence is the future of this planet.
Artificial intelligence is categorized in 2 different groups : Weak and strong. Because of which, Artificial intelligence is easy to understand and design. It's obvious that the Artificial intelligence is the future of this world and in the future of this world, we will see the all computers and phones who can think themselves.
Lot of companies today are working on Artificial intelligence and its need to this world. Because, the all tech and software development companies know the importance of Artificial intelligence in the future. Therefore, so many companies are today working on this Artificial intelligence field. Because of which, there is a lot of chance to get a Job in the field on Artificial intelligence.
Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter and many internet based popular sites are today working on the development of the Artificial intelligence. This all companies are trying to make the Artificial intelligence more better to get the world with the advanced technologies.
Artificial intelligence is created by the deep learning algorithms because of which, Artificial intelligence can work better and more efficient. Artificial intelligence and Machine learning
Artificial intelligence can costs very expensive because of the Hardware and the software components. Artificial intelligence is used in this world today also for many purposes and it will be used in future also. The word which we hear as Robot is based on the Artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence means the Computers can think themselves with their own efficiency.
Artificial intelligence is having the following efficiencies:
- Image and text recoganization: With the help of Artificial intelligence, it will be very easy to recognize any kind of image and the languages found in history. Artificial intelligence can recognize an image and it can give it's information and all required data to the scientists for the research work.
- Face recoganization: This is as similar to above one. In this technology, scientists are working for the Artificial intelligence face recognize. With the help of this, it will be very helpful to find the face of criminals.
- Software and program development: As humans can today develop the apps and programs, Artificial intelligence will be able to create and develop the software and programs. Because of which, the huge work of humans will be saved.
- Image recognization
- Chatbots
- Natural language
- Speech recognization
Software and Hardware for training:
- Like spark
- Cloud data storage
Types of models:
- Deep learning
- Machine learning
- Neural learning
Programming languages used:
- Java
- Python
- C
- Tensorflow
Machine learning: Machine learning is very different from the AI concept. Machine learning is the way of teaching to the computers by programming them. Suppose, if we teach any computer or machine to do any specified work, then the machine can do that specified work for long time with no error.
Because of which, Machine learning is also used in some websites. Because of which, they can track our data and can show the ads related to the products and articles which we read and see on the internet.
Advantages and dis-advantages of Artificial intelligence:
- AI can be used in business for growing our business or getting any ideas related to it. Artificial intelligence can also do the repeated work for long time, because of which Employees can decreased and business can increase.
- AI is also used in the treatments of the body. In short, Artificial intelligence is also used in the smart healthcare for finding the problems in the body. Because of which, treatment is error free.
- Artificial intelligence is also used in education. The students can attract to the way of teaching of Artificial intelligence robots. Because of which, High grading students can be there. They can also teach the students in the digital way.
- AI is also used in Manufacturing of machines. Artificial intelligence can do the work for long time with no mistake and error.
- If the robots will think the opposite about humans, then the end of this earth will be not so far.
- Robots can do the any illegal work which is not allowed in country.. Because of which, there can be a jail to its developer.
- Artificial intelligence robots can steal the information and they can send it to the other governments. Because of which, there is a chance to be 3rd world war.
- AI can kill the humans, if humans will scold or train it other way.