defenation of larynx
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A tube shaped organ in the neck, forming an air passage to lungs and holding the vocal cords in place , in human
beings called lyrnx
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(1) The larynx produces sound. In males, it increases in size at puberty. This is termed as Adam's apple.
(2) From the pharynx air enters the larynx. The opening hrough which it enters is called glotus.
(3) The glottis has a guarding flap called epiglottis.
(4) The epiglottis prevents the entry of food parucies into the rachea.
(5) The vocal cords are seen along the side of the glottis. They are made of elastic tissue. They produce Sound.
(6) Passage of air between the vocal cords and modulations created by tongue, teeth, lips and nasal cavily produce voice.
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