Define a short day plant, a long day plant and a day neutral plant, giving one example for each.
long day plant - these plant flower when they receive long photoperiod or ligth hour which are above then critical period eg ; wheat ,radish,sugarbeet,henbane etc
neutral day plant - these plant do not show any coorelation between exposure to light duration and induction of flowering response . blossom through out year - tomato, paper ,cucumber
Short day plants are the plants that begin flowering when the days are shorter than their critical day length. They require a long period of darkness and a short period of light to flower.
Long day plants are the plants that begin flowering when the days are longer than their critical day length. They will flower when they are exposed to a short period of darkness and a long period of uninterrupted light.
Long day plants flower in summer and short day plants flower in spring.
Day-neutral plant is a plant that flowers regardless of the amount of light of daylight it receives.
Examples of dayneutral plants are cucumber, corn, tomato, pea, and dandelion
Examples of short day plants are Glycine max (soyabean), rice, Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco).
Examples of long day plants are Brassica campestris (mustard), Raphanus sativus (raddish), Papaver somniferum (opium), Solanum tuberosum (potato).