define (a)Western disturbances and b)mango showers
1)western disturbance is an extratropical storm originating in the Mediterranean region that brings sudden winter rain to the northwestern parts of the Indian subcontinent. It is a non-monsoonal precipitation pattern driven by the westerlies.
2)Mango showers is a colloquial term to describe the occurrence of pre-monsoon rainfall. Sometimes, these rains are referred to generically as ‘April rains’ or ‘Summer showers’. They are notable across much of South and Southeast Asia, including India, and Cambodia.
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Western disturbances:
A Western Disturbance is an extratropical storm originating in the Mediterranean Sea that brings unexpected winter rain to the northern parts of the Indian subcontinent,extending eastward to northern Bangladesh and southeastern Nepal.It is a non-monsoon rainfall pattern driven by the west coasts. The moisture from these storms typically comes from the Mediterranean, Caspian Sea, and Black Sea.Extratropical storms are global phenomena that typically transport moisture in the upper atmosphere, unlike their tropical counterparts, which transport moisture into the lower atmosphere. For the Indian subcontinent, moisture is sometimes released as rain when a storm system meets the Himalayas. Western disturbances are more frequent and stronger during the winter season.
Mango showers:
Mango showers or mango rain is a colloquial term to describe the occurrence of pre-monsoon rains. Sometimes these rains are generally called "April rains" or "summer rains". They are important in much of South and Southeast Asia, including India[1] and Cambodia. In South Asia, these rains greatly affect human activities, as the rains control culturally important crops such as mangoes and coffee.These rains usually occur between March and April, although their arrival is often difficult to predict. Their intensity can range from light showers to strong and persistent thunderstorms. In India, mango rain occurs due to thunderstorms over the Bay of Bengal. They are also known as "Kaal Baisakhi" in Bengal, as Bordoisila in Assam and as Cherry Blossom showers or Coffee Showers in Karnataka.Towards the end of the summer season, pre-monsoon showers are common, especially in Kerala, Karnataka and parts of Tamil Nadu in India. They help the mangoes ripen early and are therefore often referred to as "mango rain".
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