a. Yarn
b. Fabric
yarn = Yarns are made up of thin strands called fibers. The process of making yarn from fibers is called spinning. In this process, a mass of cotton wool are drawn out and twisted. This brings the fibers together to form yarn.
Fibric = Fabric is what something is made from, especially clothing. ... The basic structure of a building or a vehicle can also be called fabric, and non-physical things can be represented as fabric too. Metaphorically, you could say honesty is part of the fabric of friendship, or love is part of the fabric of family.
Yarn is a long continuous length of interlocked fibres, suitable for use in the production of textiles, sewing, crocheting, knitting, weaving, embroidery, or ropemaking.[1] Thread is a type of yarn intended for sewing by hand or machine.
Fabric is cloth or other material produced by weaving together cotton, nylon, wool, silk, or other threads. Fabrics are used for making things such as clothes, curtains, and sheets.