define adolescence state some of the changes which take place in boys and girls during adolescence
Sexual and other physical maturation that occurs during puberty is a result of hormonal changes. In boys, it is difficult to know exactly when puberty is coming. There are changes that occur, but they occur gradually and over a period of time, rather than as a single event. While each male adolescent is different, the following are average ages when puberty changes may occur:
Beginning of puberty: 9.5 to 14 years old
First pubertal change: enlargement of the testicles
Penis enlargement: begins approximately one year after the testicles begin enlarging
Appearance of pubic hair: 13.5 years old
Nocturnal emissions (or "wet dreams"): 14 years old
Hair under the arms and on the face, voice change, and acne: 15 years old
Girls also experience puberty as a sequence of events, but their pubertal changes usually begin before boys of the same age. Each girl is different and may progress through these changes differently. The following are average ages when puberty changes may occur:
Beginning of puberty: 8 to 13 years
First pubertal change: breast development
Pubic hair development: shortly after breast development
Hair under the arms: 12 years old
Menstrual periods: 10 to 16.5 years old
There are specific stages of development that both boys and girls go through when developing secondary sexual characteristics (the physical characteristics of males and females that are not involved in reproduction such as voice changes, body shape, pubic hair distribution, and facial hair). The following is a brief overview of the changes that occur:
In boys, the initial puberty change is the enlargement of the scrotum and testes. At this point, the penis does not enlarge. Then, as the testes and scrotum continue to enlarge, the penis gets longer. Next, the penis will continue to grow in both size and length.
In girls, the initial puberty change is the development of breast buds, in which the breast and nipple elevate. The areola (dark area of skin that surrounds the nipple of the breast) increases in size at this time. The breasts then continue to enlarge. Eventually, the nipples and the areolas will elevate again, forming another projection on the breasts. At the adult state, only the nipple remains elevated above the rest of the breast tissue.
Pubic hair development is similar for both girls and boys. The initial growth of hair produces long, soft hair that is only in a small area around the genitals. This hair then becomes darker and coarser as it continues to spread. The pubic hair eventually looks like adult hair, but in a smaller area. It may spread to the thighs and, sometimes, up the stomach.
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