Define all the 5 R's
Recycle, Reuse, Refuse , Rethink & Reduce
This means to say No to the things people over you that you don't need. Refuse to buy products that can harm you and the environment,say No to single use plastic carry bags.
This means that you use less. You save electricity by switching off unnecessary lights and fans. You save water and other things that can reduce the usage of?
This is actually even better than recycling because the process of recycling uses some energy. In the reuse strategy, you simply use things again and again. Instead of throwing away used envelopes, you can reverse it and use it again. The plastic bottles in which you buy various food items like jam or pickle can be used for storing things in the kitchen.
This means when a product can no more be used for the original purpose, think carefully and use it for some other useful purpose. For example, cracked crockery, or cups with broken handles can be used to grow small plants and as feeding vessels for birds.
This means that you collect plastic, paper, glass and metal items and recycle these materials to make required things instead of synthesizing or extracting fresh plastic, paper, glass or metal.
In order to recycle, we first need to segregate our wastes so that the material that can be recycled is not dumped along with other wastes.