define base units.class 11
Heya user ! ☺
⚜Here's your answer :
- These are the fundamental or basic units which are defined arbitrarily.
- They are adopted for the measurement of fundamental or base quantities.
- for example , metre is the base unit of length , kilogram is the base unit of weight, etc.
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Your answer is-
A unit is an internationally accepted standard for measurements of quantities. Measurement consists of a numeric quantity along with a relevant unit. Units for Fundamental or base quantities (like length, time etc.) are called Fundamental units............The word unit as used in physics refers to the standard measure of a quantity. Some fundamental quantities and their respective units are: time —- second. mass —- kilogram. length —- meter..............A unit is any standard used for making comparisons in measurements. Unit conversions allow for measurements of a property that have been recorded using different units—for instance, centimeters to inches............