Define chip. (NCERT Class 11th)
Question 2:
What do you mean by bus ?
It refers to collection of wires through which data is transmitted from one part of computer to another. 1
Question 3:
What is expansion Bus ?
External bus is also known as expansion bus. It connects the different external devices peripherals, expansion slots, input/output ports and drive connections to the rest of the computer. 1
Question 4:
What is Intel 8085 ?
Intel 8085 is a microprocessor that is used in various electronic devices. 1
Chip is a small piece of semiconducting material made up of silicon on which the circuit is inserted.
1. A typical chip is very small in inches.
2. It contain millions of electronic components called as transistors. 3.Computers consist of many chips which are placed on electronic boards and are known as printed circuit boards.
4. Chip was was named as "the world's first $9 computer".
5. CPU is the most important chip which is used in computer and is made up of a silicon integrated circuit, sometimes called a computer chip.