define cremenal law and sivel law
Criminal law and civil law differ with respect to how cases are initiated (who may bring charges or file suit), how cases are decided (by a judge or a jury), what kinds of punishment or penalty may be imposed, what standards of proof must be met, and what legal protections may be available to the defendant.
Definition: Civil law deals with the disputes between individuals, organizations, or between the two, in which compensation is awarded to the victim. Criminal law is the body of law that deals with crime and the legal punishment of criminal offenses.
Civil litigation usually involves some type of compensation for i...
Civil litigation usually involves some type of compensation for i...Case filed by: Private party
Civil litigation usually involves some type of compensation for i...Case filed by: Private partyBurden of proof: “Preponderance of evidence” The burden of proof falls on the plaintiff. ...
Civil litigation usually involves some type of compensation for i...Case filed by: Private partyBurden of proof: “Preponderance of evidence” The burden of proof falls on the plaintiff. ...Examples: Landlord/tenant disputes, divorce proceedings, child custody proceedings, ...