define flora and fauna
Flora is all the plant life present in a particular region or time, generally the naturally occurring (indigenous) native plants. The corresponding term for animal life is fauna. ... Sometimes bacteria and fungi are also referred to as flora, as in the terms gut flora or skin flora.
Fauna is all of the animal life present in a particular region or time. The corresponding term for plants is flora. Flora, fauna and other forms of life such as fungi are collectively referred to as biota.

Definition of flora:
Flora is all the plant life present in a particular region or time, generally the naturally occurring native plants. The corresponding term for animal life fauna sometimes bacteria and fungi also reffered to as flora.
Definition of fauna:
It is the largest kingdom of animalia. Its members range from very simple invertibates such as sponges, to highly complex mammals such as monkey, whale's and humans.
HOPE IT HELP'S.............