define micro vili ????
Cells may have slender extensions of the cell membrane to form cilia or the smaller extensions called microvilli. The microscopic microvilli effectively increase the surface area of the cell and are useful for absorption and secretion functions. A dramatic example is the human small intestine. The tissue has small fingerlike extensions called villi which are collections of cells, and those cells have many microvilli to even further increase the available surface area for the digestion process.
Microvilli, in the most simplistic terms, are tiny little projections that exist in, on, and around cells. They can exist on their own or in conjunction with villi.
More about them:
The microvilli have their own plasma membrane that covers them. Inside of them, they have almost no organelles, but they do have cytoplasm (cellular fluid) and some microfilaments (strands of actin, a protein), which help give them their structure. They are essentially bundles of cross-linked actin fibers. Think of them as the fibers of a cotton shirt.