define molarity an normality
here is my answer
I hope it helps you
(◑‿◐) Dear*____*
Molarity can be defined as the number of moles of solute dissolved in one cubic decimeter or one liter of solution. The unit of molarity is M or mol L-1 or mol dm-3. It is a preferred unit of concentration.
Molarity = Numberofmolesofsolute/Volumeofsolutioninlitresordm3
The number of moles of a substance can be calculated as follows:
Number of moles = Givenmassofasubstance/Molecularmassofthesubstance
Normality can be defined as gram equivalent of solute dissolved in one cubic decimeter or one liter of solution. The unit of normality is N. It is most preferred during titration calculations. Normal solutions have normality equal to unity.
Normality = Molecularmass/Equivalentmassofsolute