Biology, asked by stutirai1, 9 months ago

define osmosis with good explaination​


Answered by debby12


Explanation:a process by which molecules of a solvent tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one.

Answered by Anonymous


(1) Definition : It is defined as a spontaneous unidircctional fow of the solvent molecules from a pure solvent or a dilute solution to the more concentrated solution through a semipermeable membrane.

Example : A fow of water molecules from a dilute solution into a concentrated glucose solution through a parchment paper.

(2) Explanation: Consider a vessel divided into two compartments by a semiperrieable membrane. When one compartment is filled with a pure solvent or a dilute solution and another by concentrated solution, there is a spontaneous of solvent molecules to the concentrated solution. This arises due to higher vapour pressure of a pure solvent or dilute solution than concentrated solution.

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