define peroid and periodicity
R@m R@m Ji_______❤
Periodicity is the tendency of a function to repeat itself in a regular pattern at established intervals. ... Periodicity is measured by the period of a function, which is the inverse of the frequency of that function, or time per cycle (when referring to trigonometric functions, the period is defined as radians/cycle).
✔Definition of Period:-
A period is the name given to a horizontal row of the periodic table.
The periodic table has seven periods. Apart from period 1, every period beg
ins with an alkali metal and ends with a noble gas. Period 1 contains only two elements: hydrogen and helium.
✔Periodicity Definition:-
In the context of chemistry and the periodic table, periodicity refers to trends or recurring variations in element properties with increasing atomic number. Periodicity is caused by regular and predictable variations in element atomic structure.
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