Business Studies, asked by creative1462, 1 year ago

Define plant layout. Explain all the factors to be considered while selection the suitable layout for the plant.


Answered by mostafashahriap2n8f4

Plant layout is a “technique of locating different machines and plant services within the factory so that the greatest possible output of high quality at the lowest possible total cost can be available”.

It signifies the arrangement of machines, work areas, material handling equipment’s, transport, and storing of different materials, products, tools and fixtures etc. Proper plant layout is one of the keys of success in factory management. The layouts for the same product may be numerous, but which costs less in the long run is the best.Since plant layout is responsible for an orderly flow of materials, productivity and morale of the workers, it is necessary to have systematic layout planning. This has become all the more necessary with the increasing costs of the land, labour and building materials.

Layout should be such that, it can be changed without much difficulty due to expansion, diversification, change in product design or change in technology. In such cases we need to minimise the effects of dislocation i.e., the transition has to be made quickly from old layout to new layout, so as to minimise the production loss.

Most of the handling operations are performed repeatedly throughout the course of produc­tion, therefore, if shortest manner of handling is not adopted, this will result wastage of time and shall loose total effectiveness.

Type of building-single storey or multi storey depends upon the availability of land and the type of products to be manufactured and its manufacturing methods. Where manufacturing process involve the gravity flow of products such as chemicals, paints, sugar, refineries, fertilisers etc., multi-storey building must be designed.A good layout minimises the handling time and efforts, saves the floor space, shortens the travel of materials, increases production and reduces cost by utilising labour more efficiently. If the layout is haphazardous, the products will not be economical and cost may be very

high resulting in losses.

Layout for a factory must be decided by considering the following factors:

i. Organisation.

ii. Location of departments.

iii. Type of product, method of production, production process.

iv. Production capacity.

v. Type of industry, like synthetic, analytic, conditioning or extractive.

vi. Grouping of machines.

vii. Material flow pattern.

viii. Space requirement for machines, work area, material handling, storage, and other facilities.

ix. Safety factors.

x. Health and other factors, like ventilation, natural light, removal of smoke, and fumes etc.

xi. Provision for future expansion.

xii. Flexibility for future modifications due to diversification, technology, or product de­sign changes.

xiii. Storage system i.e., centralised or decentralised or a combination of both.

Answered by gratefuljarette

Plant layout requires effective planning with a proper location of the plant and the systematic layout of the various facilities, equipment and the machines in the space available.


  • Plant layout is first proposed in form of a plan which is drawn out  with showing various form of arrangement of the facilities inside the plant. It gives a good idea on the layout of the floor plan with space for machines, equipment, furniture, storage, transportation and more.
  • The plant layout is planned with the people involved with the plant from the stakeholders to he investors and the owners. The layout is decided after the selection of the location and the kind of product to be manufactured. It depends on the quantity of production and availability of the floor space.
  • The layout of the plant is very important for the operation of business. it defines the effectiveness of the operations and  should have ample space for the working of the people. It should ensure that the flow of work and production should be carried out without any problem for increasing its efficiency.

To know more about plant layout

Difference between process layout and plant layout

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