Define primary and secondary sort keys
You can use a maximum of 16 distinct fields to define a primary key. The number of fields used in the primary key limits the number of fields in the secondary keys. Fields used by one key can also be used in another key; however, no more than 16 unique fields can be used to create primary or secondary keys.
This means that if your primary key includes four distinct fields, your secondary keys can include these four fields, and at most 16 other fields. Correspondingly, if your primary key consists of 20 distinct fields, then your secondary keys must consist only of combinations of these fields.
When you create a table in Table Designer, by default Dynamics NAV uses the field with the lowest field number as the primary key. Use the following procedure to define a different primary key.
Sorting keys specify the criteria used to perform the sort. ... The sort operator first sorts the records by the primary sorting key. If multiple records have the same primary key value, the psort operator then sorts these records by any secondary keys. You must define a single primary sorting key for the psort operator.