Computer Science, asked by adarsh8176, 11 months ago

Define protocols
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Answered by adhiraj2310

Definition of protocol

1: an original draft, minute, or record of a document or transaction


a: a preliminary memorandum often formulated and signed by diplomatic negotiators as a basis for a final convention or treaty

b: the records or minutes of a diplomatic conference or congress that show officially the agreements arrived at by the negotiators


a: a code prescribing strict adherence to correct etiquette and precedence (as in diplomatic exchange and in the military services)

a breach of protocol

b: a set of conventions governing the treatment and especially the formatting of data in an electronic communications system

network protocols

4: a detailed plan of a scientific or medical experiment, treatment, or procedure

Protocol and Politics

In Late Greek, the word protocolling referred to the first sheet of a papyrus roll bearing the date of its manufacture. In some instances, it consisted of a flyleaf that was glued to the outside of a manuscript's case and provided a description of its contents. Coming from the Greek prefix proto- ("first") and the noun kola ("glue"), protocolling gave us our word protocol. In its earliest uses in the 15th century, the word referred to a prologue or preface and also to a record of a document or transaction. In the late 19th century, it began to be used in reference to the etiquette observed by the Head of State of France in ceremonies and relations with other dignitaries. This sense has since extended in meaning to cover any code of proper conduct.

Answered by Anonymous


Protocol is a set of rules which are very essential to transfer data in our day to day lives. Even the IP(internet protocol) is an example of protocol. If these set of rules are not followed then we cant transmit data between two devices.

a) HTTP: HTTP is the hyper text transfer protocol. It is the foundation of the data transfer in the WWW (world wide web). The documents are linked by Hyperlinks which we see when we press on a link in our day to day lives. Tim berners lee is known for founding the HTTP protocol.

b) HTTPS: HTTPS is the hyper text transfer protocol secure. It is an extension of the HTTP and it is more secure. Nowadays HTTPS is used more than HTTP as it is more secure.

c) SMTP: SMTP is known as simple mail transfer protocol. All the mail servers use the SMTP.,, use this server when they send or receive mails. SMTP is a delivery protocol only. It was found by matt mankins

d) IMAP: IMAP is known as internet message acess protocol. It is used in retrieving mails. The users using IMAP have their mails generally left on the server untill the following is deleted by the server. It was found by mark crispin.

e) POP3: POP is known as the post office protocol. when a POP3 opens the server , the messages are available for the client.They use transport layer security and many other packets. POP1 and POP2 are older versions and the POP3 version is the one which is currently in use.

f)  FTP :is known as the file transfer protocol. It is used for the transfer of files between a server and a receiver(client). The ftp's used earlier were more young than operating systems and had commandable programs. Now the ftp's constitue HTML editors.

These protocols are very important for the safe functioning of our internet and is primarily essential for all the internet activities that we do in our day to day lives.

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