define pteridophyte
Pteridophyta - A division of the plant kingdom, comprising the vascular cryptogams. They are flowerless plants exhibiting an alternation of 2 distinct and dissimilar generations. The first is a non-sexual, spore-bearing, sporophyte generation. It usually appears as a relatively large plant, with stems containing vascular tissue that conducts water and dissolved solutes through the plant, and usually bears the leaves and roots. Spores are produced in sporangia that are either attached to the leaves or are on specialized scales grouped into cones or in the axils of leaves on unspecialized stems.
Pteridophytes are seedless and they procreate through spores. They don’t have conducting tissues for transportation of water and minerals. Instead, the water and minerals flow from the surface of the plant- cell to cell in the plant’s body. This is also one of the reasons why these plants need a constantly moist environment to survive.