define quantum number and explain in short all type of quantum number
These four numbers which are required to specify the position and energy of the electron in an atom are known as the quantum number of an element. These are:-
- Principal quantum number
- Angular quantum number
- Magnetic quantum number
- Spin quantum number
Principal quantum number
This quantum number determines the main energy level in which the electron is present. It is usually denoted by "n" and can have any whole number values such as:
n = 1,2,3,4,5.......etc.
Angular quantum number
This quantum number denotes the sab sale in a given principal energy sale to which and electron belongs and this is also called secondary quantum number.
Magnetic quantum number
This magnetic quantum number refers to the different orientations of the orbitals in space.
Spin quantum number
This quantum number describe the spine orientation of the electron the electron can spin only in two ways clockwise and anticlockwise and therefore the spin quantum number can take only two values.
values : +1/2 and -1/2.
4 types of quantum no.
principal Q. N : it is denoted by letter n and n letter has positive value 123..... it describe the energy and size of the shell
angular Q. N denoted by letter l and it describe the shape of orbitals
sub shells. s. p. d. f.
l. 0. 1. 2. 3
magnetic quantum no. it is denoted by letter ml
spin Q. n. it is possible for 2 spin of electron. clock wise and anti clock wise. these values are represented by +1/2 and -1/2
hope it helps u