define shining surface
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1 : having a smooth glossy surface shiny new shoes. 2a : bright with the rays of the sun : sunshiny. b : filled with light. 3 : rubbed or worn smooth. 4 : lustrous with natural secretions a shiny nose.
any one thank all my answers
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Bright, brilliant, radiant, luminous, lustrous mean shining or glowing with light. bright implies emitting or reflecting a high degree of light. brilliant implies intense often sparkling brightness.lustrous stresses an even, rich light from a surface that reflects brightly without glittering.
✴More To Know:-
- A mirror has a smooth and shiny surface. A mirror reflects all the light falling on it in the same direction. A mirror reflects a ray of light at the same angle at which it strikes the mirror. This is called regular reflection.
- Shining of object is the tendency for someone to chase something new, be it a new idea, trend, or goal, rather than to stay focused on what they're doing. The behavior is similar to a child who is attracted to anything that's shiny and new.
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