define state list, union list and concurrent list..
hola mate
There are three types of Lists
it contains subject of national importance such as the defense of the country, foreign affairs, banking and currency.
it contains subject of state and local importantance such as police,trade,commerce and agriculture.
it contains subject of common interests to both the union, marriage adoption and succession.
hope it helps you
Union List : This list includes the subject of national importance. The center government has the power to make laws related to the subjects mentioned in Union list. Such subjects are : country's defence, currency, foreign affairs etc.
This list includes the subject of state importance. The State or regional government has the power to make laws related to the subjects mentioned in state list. Such as subjects are : trade, police, agriculture etc.
This List includes the subject of common interest of both Union and state government. Both governments can make laws on the subjects mentioned in concurrent list but if any controversy occurs then union government is prevails.
These lists helps in provide a guide line for the proper working of the government. These lists also puts some limits on government's working as non of the government can not cross the limit of it's working mentioned in these lists. These lists also provide a strength to the country's power sharing mechanism and federalism.