Define the chromosomal theory of inheritance?
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The chromosomal theory of inheritance was given by Boveri and Sutton in the early 1900s. It is the fundamental theory of genetics. According to this theory, genes are the units of heredity and are found in the chromosomes.
Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance came into existence long after Mendelian genetics. During Mendel’s experimentation, the society was not acceptable to such drastic changes in their scientific ideas. They could not believe the existence of such discrete factors such as genes which would segregate without mixing as this did not support their idea of the constant changes leading to evolution. Moreover, the means of communication was poor at that time as a result of which, the information could not be conveyed to the masses. Also, Mendel’s mathematical approach to prove biological laws was unacceptable. As time passed, scientists Vries, Correns and Tschermak discovered chromosomes which existed inside the nucleus. Sutton and Boveri discovered observed the behaviour of the chromosomes when the cells were divided. With the advancements in the microscope, this task became easier. Hence, they proved Mendel’s laws with the help of chromosomal movement. They showed the segregation of the chromosomes during the Anaphase of cell division. The idea of chromosomal segregation combined with the Mendelian principles gave rise to the chromosomal theory of Inheritance. The work was further carried forward and proved by T.H. Morgan, who used Drosophila melanogaster to show how sexual reproduction gave rise to variations.
Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance came into existence long after Mendelian genetics. During Mendel’s experimentation, the society was not acceptable to such drastic changes in their scientific ideas. They could not believe the existence of such discrete factors such as genes which would segregate without mixing as this did not support their idea of the constant changes leading to evolution. Moreover, the means of communication was poor at that time as a result of which, the information could not be conveyed to the masses. Also, Mendel’s mathematical approach to prove biological laws was unacceptable. As time passed, scientists Vries, Correns and Tschermak discovered chromosomes which existed inside the nucleus. Sutton and Boveri discovered observed the behaviour of the chromosomes when the cells were divided. With the advancements in the microscope, this task became easier. Hence, they proved Mendel’s laws with the help of chromosomal movement. They showed the segregation of the chromosomes during the Anaphase of cell division. The idea of chromosomal segregation combined with the Mendelian principles gave rise to the chromosomal theory of Inheritance. The work was further carried forward and proved by T.H. Morgan, who used Drosophila melanogaster to show how sexual reproduction gave rise to variations.

Answered by
Define Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance?
=> Chromosomes are the vehicles of genetic heredity.
- Given by Sutton & Boveri.
- It describes linkage, recombination & crossing over.
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