Define the following ÷(a) milky way (b) celestial objects (c) pole star (d) constellation (e) asteroids (f) geo-statinory (g) comet (h) light year (i) meteors (j) meteorites
Hola mate :)
a) Milky Way :
The Milky Way is the Galaxy in which we live. It is a spiral shaped galaxy that contains several hundred billion stars, including our Sun.
b)Celestial object :
It is a natural object which is located outside of Earth's atmosphere, such as the Moon, the Sun, an asteroid, planet, or star.
c) Pole Star :
A pole star is a bright star that can be seen in the sky in northern parts of the world when one looks directly toward the north.
d) Constellation :
A constellation is a group of stars that make an imaginary shape in the night sky.
e)Asteroids :
They are minor planets, especially of the inner Solar System. Larger asteroids have also been called planetoids.
f)Geostationary :
It means being or having an equatorial orbit at an altitude of about 22,300 miles (35,900 kilometers) requiring an angular velocity the same as that of the earth so that the position of a satellite in such an orbit is fixed with respect to the earth.
g) Comet :
A comet is a ball of mostly ice that moves around in outer space. Comets are often described as "dirty snowballs".
h) Light year :
A light year is the distance that light travels in empty space in one year. Since the speed of light is about 300,000 km per second (about 186,000 miles per second), then a light year is about 10 trillion kilometers (about 6 trillion miles).
i)Meteors :
They are no more than dust and ice from the trail of comets.
j)Meteorites :
They can be "stony", made up of minerals rich in silicon and oxygen, "iron", consisting mainly of iron and nickel, or "stony-iron", a combination of the two.
● Miley way galaxy -- it is a faint band of light running across the heavens.
●celestial objects-- the star , the sun , the moon , the planets, and the shooting stars are the celestial objects.
●pole star -- a pole star also known as "dhruv tara" in hindi , is a special star present in the northern hemisphere.
● constellation-- a constellation is a group of stars that appear to form some recognizable pattern or shape in the sky.
● asteroids-- these are very small planets or planetoid that are mainly found in the belt between the orbit of mars and Jupiter.
● geo-stationary-- satellites , that are being put to the maximum use , are the geo - stationary satellites.
● comet -- comet are relatively small and icey celestial body that revolve around the sun.
● light year -- distanc of stars are, therefore, expressed in terms of a unit called light year.
● meteors-- meteors are relatively small solid bodies that also revolve round the sun.
● meteorites -- some meteors that are so large that a part of them is able to reach the surface of the earth.
:) hope it helps you ♡