Define the following terms a) herbs b) shrubs c) trees d)creepers e) Clumbers
herbs generally refers to the leafy green or flowering parts of a plant.
shrubs a woody plant smaller than tress , usually having multiple permanent stems branching from or near the ground.
trees tress are woody plants.they usually have a stem called trunk.
creepers aplant that grow up tress are walls or along the ground.
clumbers a thickest spaneil with longish silky hair
Herbs- these are plants with leaves, seeds or flowers used to flavoring food , medicines or perfume.
shrubs- A Woody plants which is smaller than trees and have several main stem.
trees- tree is a Woody plants that has many branches on a single stem.
creepers- Any plant that grows along the ground.It is spread horizontally along the soil.
climbers- take the support of an object for climbing.
Both creepers and climbers are weak stem plants and hence. cannot erect without support.