Define the terms skimming and scanning with reference to the exercise of reading for the purpose of making notes sentence
Skimming and scanning
Skimming and scanning is a type of fast reading in which we read at a fairly fast speed to find a particular point or main points. It is unlike the leisurely and slow reading in which we read every word. In skimming we don’t focus our attention on helping verbs, prepositions, conjunctions, determiners, etc.
Note making is a reading activity in which one is required to briefly make notes of the given reading passage. One must keep the following points in mind while making notes.
1. Notes should be short. No complete sentences should be written; only words and phrases should be written in notes.
2. Information should be logically divided into main title, sub-titles, and sub-sub-titles as shown below:
Sub-title should be in numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
Sub-sub-titles should be in Romans I, II, III, IV, etc.
Information to be included in sub-sub title may be written using letters a, b, c, d, etc.
3. Abbreviations and symbols should be frequently used.
4. They should be very clear and in proper sequence paragraph wise. 5. Two or three related ideas can be combined into one point.
6. Punctuation marks such as commas, semi-colons, etc. should be used.