English, asked by hemudevdas3648, 1 year ago

Define the tourisns and explain the type of tourisms


Answered by Anonymous
Tourism is visiting many other places apart from the place u live in
Answered by khanju

Answer: Tourism may be defined as 'a significant social phenomenon, involves a temporary break with normal routine to engage with experiences that contrast with every day life' . In other words we can  say that tourism is concerned with pleasure, holidays, travel and going or arriving somewhere. These are the motivations that make people leave their normal place of work and residence for short term visits to other places.

Tourism is infact, leisure activity as it coexists with its opposite, that is regulated and organised work. This describes that in modern societies work and leisure are organised as seperate and regulated and organised as seperate and regulated ares of social practice. They are located in sepecific places and periods of time. Tourism involves a journey and services like transport, accommodation,catering and viewing etc.

Tourism is directed at places chosen for the anticipation of intense pleasure because such places are different to what we normally encounter. This tourist's gaze is directed towards landscape , a town or an event by pointing out those features that seperate it from every day life. Besides, tourism has also become a status symbol in modern society and thought to be necessary to one's health. Today in developed countries, people devote 40% of their time to travel and tourism.


Types of tourism

1. Recreational tourism:

Tourism is an often activity for recreational purpose. Most tourism took for a change and rest; this is the reason why package tours have become so popular.

2. Environmental tourism:

Rich and affluent tourist are preferred to spend more visits to remote places where they get pollution free airs to breath.

3. Historical tourism:

Tourist is interested to know how our forefather lived and administered in a particular area. They visit heritage locations, temples, churches, museums, forts etc.

4. Ethnic tourism:

This refers to people traveling to distance places looking to their routes and attending to family obligations. Marriage and death bring people together to their native places. Persons who are settled overseas during later part of life visit place of their birth for giving boost to ethnic tourism.

5. Cultural tourism:

Some people are interested to know how other people or communities stay, survive and prosper. The kind of culture they practice their art and music is different from ours. So in order to acquire knowledge, understands culture well, to become familiar with the culture, they undertake journey.

6. Adventure tourism:

There is a trend among the youth to take adventure tour. They go for trekking,

rock climbing, river rafting etc. They organized camp fire and stay under the blue sky. This tourism is meant for people with strong nerves who can tolerate stress.

7. Health tourism:

In recent years, health tourism has become highly popular. People visit nature cure centers and hospitals providing specialist treatment. Many foreigners visit India for treatment because similar services in their country are costly.

8. Religious tourism:

India represents multi-religious composition of population. Various package tours are organized to enable people to attend the religious duties and visit places of religious importance. E.g. Char Dham yatra.

9. Music tourism:

It can be part of pleasure tourism as it includes moment of people to sing and listen music and enjoy it.

10. Village tourism:

It involves traveling and arranging tours in order to popularize various village destinations.

11. Wild life tourism:

It can be an Eco and animal friendly tourism. Wild life tourism means watching wild animals in their natural habitat.

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