Define virus. Explain the virus related threats and the counter measures applied.
what is virus?
virus is nothing but a piece of coding that enters your computer without your knowledge and infects it.
types of virus :
1.boot sector virus : it harms the boot sector of the computer. removable media will be spreaded by this virus. i.e. hard discs will be infected. action virus : this type of virus directly attacks the computer.
3.resident virus : this type of virus gets installed in computer and it is hard to identify this type of virus.
4.multipartite virus: this virus spreads in multiple ways as the name describes. it infects the boot sector and executable files (.bat , .com)
5.polymorphic virus: it is a type of viru which automatically changes it's code when it passes to a different machine.
6.overwrite virus: this type of virus will destroy the original code by overwriting the code.
7.spacefiller virus: it affects the system by changing the functionality of it. it can rewrite some particular codes.
virus is also named as vital information under siege:
virus is named vital information under siege because the vital information is getting seized by the computer.
cant we escape from these viruses:
- we can escape these by installing antivirus in our computers such as avg antivirus and quickheal. these will protect your computer.
- we should not open any unknown links or emails which can harm our computer.
- use a strong firewall, this will protect your computer.
- perform scans daily.
- use dns(domain name system if you are surfing)