English, asked by dineshan, 1 year ago

Definition for judgement & tree



One of the themes in the Bible that has always fascinated mankind is that of the Garden of Eden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, with the serpent lying on one of its branches.

During the period of October 2013 – January 2014, I wrote a series of articles for SOS, mostly about the esoteric interpretation of Bible texts, based on Hebrew numerology. In at least five of these articles this theme of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the serpent was examined, each following article building on the findings of the previous ones.

Before moving on to new findings, I will give a summary of what is written in the previous articles about this subject first, in order to get reacquainted with the subject after such a long time.

I found the meaning of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to be the tree of duality, ets-2, in Hebrew.

Eating from that tree caused the descent of Man into the world of duality and matter, also called the fourth world or the world of the seventh day. Eve, the female, nourishing and creative side of Man, was enticed into eating from it by the serpent, the nachash, numerical value 358, which proved to be the downward force in Man during the descending part of the involution / evolution cycle. This is a cycle, which you could see as a circle that is divided in three segments:

The first segment is the descent out of a world of higher consciousness as described above; this is called involution.The second segment, described in the next paragraph, is the period that mankind resides in the world of matter.The third segment, called evolution, is about ascension, going upwards in consciousness again, as described in the third paragraph of this description. 

When man had almost reached the bottom of the cycle, the downward force got the upper hand and turned into par’oh (pharaoh), and man became enslaved / addicted. After a call for help to God and a promise to address this addiction themselves later on, man was delivered from this slavery by God and the nachash got its head / its downward principle, crushed, which made it fall asleep. It was then called the Kundalini that slept in 3½ coils at the halfway point of the cycle.

After having been anointed with the oil that was produced by man through processing and digesting all that happened in his / her life during this stay in the world of matter, the downward force changes into an upward one as the messiah, mashiach, also with a numerical value of 358, which leads man upwards again, and to its rising as the Kundalini serpent at the end of the process as the conclusion of the cycle.

The descending phase in this whole process is part of the sixth day and the serpent, the nachash,is therefore associated with the number 6. The world that we enter after descending into the world of duality and matter is called the world of the seventh day, as mentioned before, and the deepest point of the cycle, where the sleeping Kundalini lies, is exactly its halfway point (3½).

Because of all the work that man has to do in order to process and digest everything, this day is also called Jom ha Assiyah, the world of doing things. In this world God, the Higher Consciousness, rests and man works his / her way through the process of ‘eating’ the fruit of the seventh day.

This fruit is the tamar, 400-40-200. You can also read this as 400-mar. Mar means bitter and 400-mar means the bitterness of the four hundred. The bitterness of slavery and addiction and the bitterness of the cross, as the number 400 used to be written as a cross on its side. The word tamar means date. A date is sweet. In order to discover that all this bitterness is sweet, man will have to process and digest it however, symbolized by the verb to eat.

Another image that is used to describe this process is the word oil. As the nachash, the serpent, turns into the mashiach, messiah (both having the same numerical value, 358) which means the anointed one, there has to be oil, olive oil, to do the anointing with. Oil is shemen in Hebrew, and is connected to the number 8, shmona. That is why the messiah is connected to the eighth day of resurrection and ascension. This oil is produced by crushing the olives, fruit of the sixth day, in an oil press, gat shemen, or in English Gethsemane.

So processing the fruit of the sixth and the seventh days is the process of Gethsemane and Golgotha, and although in the Bible it is the story of Jesus, it is a process that all of us have to undertake. All this processing lies hidden in the symbols of the cycle.

Processing and digesting also includes embracing everything that is being placed before us today without resistance and with love. It includes calling it Good in the end because we have become aware of how much we have grown in conscious awareness because of it.


Answered by sahi12
During the period of October 2013 – January 2014, I wrote a series of articles for SOS, mostly about the esoteric interpretation of Bible texts, based on Hebrew numerology. In at least five of these articles this theme of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the serpent was examined, each following article building on the findings of the previous ones.

Before moving on to new findings, I will give a summary of what is written in the previous articles about this subject first, in order to get reacquainted with the subject after such a long time.

I found the meaning of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to be the tree of duality, ets-2, in Hebrew.

Eating from that tree caused the descent of Man into the world of duality and matter, also called the fourth world or the world of the seventh day. Eve, the female, nourishing and creative side of Man, was enticed into eating from it by the serpent, the nachash, numerical value 358, which proved to be the downward force in Man during the descending part of the involution / evolution cycle. This is a cycle, which you could see as a circle that is divided in three segments:

The first segment is the descent out of a world of higher consciousness as described above; this is called involution.The second segment, described in the next paragraph, is the period that mankind resides in the world of matter.The third segment, called evolution, is about ascension, going upwards in consciousness again, as described in the third paragraph of this description. 

When man had almost reached the bottom of the cycle, the downward force got the upper hand and turned into par’oh(pharaoh), and man became enslaved / addicted. After a call for help to God and a promise to address this addiction themselves later on, man was delivered from this slavery by God and the nachashgot its head / its downward principle, crushed, which made it fall asleep. It was then called the Kundalini that slept in 3½ coils at the halfway point of the cycle.

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