deforstation is one of the major reasons for global warming. you as a young person present your ideas to slow down the rate of deforestation
Indiscrminate cutting of trees and clearing of forest increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere .
→ Causes for Deforestation :-
♣ Population Explosion :
with increase in Population accompanied by economic and technological Development , more and more land is required for roads, railways, housing , industries, schools and colleges forest is the only area from where land can be retrieved and Deforestation occurs.
♣ Wood For Industries and paper :
Wood is used for making boxes, crates, packing cases, furniture, doors, windows, plywood, paper, matchboxes, artwork, ships , boats, etc. with ever increasing consumption of these materials wood is always in short supply and forests are at the receiving end.
♣ Dam and Hydroelectric projects :
A large Forest area has to be cleared to construct dams for storing water. a large Forest cover is lost in this way.
♣ Fires :
Occurrence of fire in forest is a common phenomenon . once the fire starts it does not stop till it has caused a huge loss. fire destroys trees, seedlings and humans.
♣ Overgrazing :
Overgrazing of forests by livestock badly degrades forests leading to Deforestation.
♣ Smuggling of woods :
An illegal log market leads to unscrupulously felling of trees for their personal grains without consideration for national loss that it causes.
→ Effect of Deforestation :
♣ Deforestation causes soil erosion leading to soil infertility.
♣ Deforestation causes formation of deserts.
♣ Deforestation cause change in rainfall pattern. The area receives less rainfall causing drought condition.
♣ Burning of wood causes increase in the concentration of Carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere. Reduces Photosynthesis, consumes less carbon dioxide adding CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is green house gas and causes Global warming.
♣ In the absence of trees in the forest, the run off water flows faster into rivers causing flood condition.
♣ Forest are the natural habitat of many species of plants and animals, Due to Deforestation the home of these species are destroyed. Deforestation results in the Extinction of many species.
♣ Climatic changes takes place as a result of Deforestation, climate become warmer.
→ Conservation of forests :-
The following measures are to be taken for the Conservation of forests :
♣ “ Tree for a Tree ” principle should be adopted. For every tree that has been felled, a tree should be planted . it is called Afforestation and when it is done on deforestated lands, it is called reforestation.
♣ wood as fuel should be discouraged.
♣ minimising cattle grazing at the same place.
♣ Forest Fires should be fought and brought under control as fast as possible.
♣ Awareness programmes should be conducted.
# About half of the Earth's forest have disappeared because man has been cutting them down without thinking of consequences.
# By cutting the forest man is putting his own survival at risk
hopes it helps