demerits and merits of democracy
The merits of democracy are - 1) a democratic government is better form of government because it is more accountable form of government. 2) democracy improves the quality of decision making. 3) democracy enhances the dignity of citizens. 4) poor and least educated has the same status as the rich and educated.
What are the merits and demerits of domacracy?
❀ The participation of the individual members in the government facilities to enlist their sympathy and co-operation to the success of the government.
❀ It is an effective form to educate the public about political, economic and social affairs.
❀ It ensures the public freedom of speech, conscience, assembly and action.
❀ The greatest virtue of domacracy is that it stands for the unfettered development of human spirit and free expression of the human mind.
❀ It sometimes leads to establish the majority view over the minority view.
❀ It does not encourage individuals to give them their Opinions.
❀ It is difficult to prevent corruption and malpractices.
❀ It is also know as the government by amateures and lead to domination of masses.