Social Sciences, asked by ahmedqadeerahme4974, 1 year ago

Democracy provide a method to deal with differences and conflux ? Explain


Answered by Badboy01
How and in what way we have achieved the true religion or Universal Religion

What is Religion – it is truth. Religion does not mean to perform some ritualistic activities. Religion is within the body of a human being. There is infinite power within this human body and manifestation of that power is Religion. In one sense it is the transformed state of ‘Ego’., and by spontaneous evolution of self a man becomes God ….

Traditional Religion is hypothesis

How wonderfully Thakur (Sri Ramkrishna) said, ‘God can be seen’. In an individual austerity since time immemorial nobody uttered such words. Among so many Upanishads only Brihad Aranyata Upanishad mentioned that God should be Visualized. They have only said ‘should be’. During the era of Vedic Rishis (Sages) what happened alike our phenomenon was recorded a little bit in Upanishad.

Whenever Swamiji (Swami Vivekananda) said, ‘All the religions are but hypothesis,’ he was eradicating all the traditional religions, But here we are not eradicating the traditional religions.

Universal Religion is the true Religion

There is a traditional saying that a monk will not even see the picture of women folks. But, actually this could not materialize in the lives of those who mentioned it. Was it right? On the other hand they have made a barrier in the religious world. But in the lives of the Vedic sages or Rishis we do not find it.

An impossible thing was imposed on their lives and common people will think, oh, what a superiority they have! When we could not sacrifice wealth and woman, we cannot achieve religious life. They are superior and we are inferior!

But it will not be a religion which is confined within a single man. The true religion should be manifested in all. A family man will achieve a true religion, and the Sannyasis (Monks) will also have the same. There is no bar, as everybody is God. In a true religion a man becomes God. We have witnessed in our lives. There is no place for imagination here. Everybody realizes that all are one.

The eternal cravings of being united is fulfilled in our lives. Many are one – this is the solution of maya (illusion). You lead a family life, be modest, otherwise you will have the sense of division. Don’t confuse the worldly life with this spiritual life. Everybody’s worldly life is different but the spiritual life is same. True Religion manifests in all. There is no value of Religion when it manifests in one person and not in commoners. A man is God, none has said that. This human being is transformed into God and the true Religion makes that. So far in individualistic austerity everybody made them superior, but the world gets no benefit out of that. We have seen that everybody is same.

All these anomalies are created by mixing the worldly life with the spiritual life. In the spiritual life everybody is Brahma or God. Live pure and simple life. There will be no barrier by living family life and whatever happens will occur spontaneously.

Man is the greatest of all – Harmony of religions - how it has come true in our lives

In the Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna Thakur (Sri Ramkrishna) is saying – In Vedas, mythologies and Tantra it is written only about God. To them God is Superior and man is inferior. They have suppressed the human beings. And what am I saying? A man is transformed into God. It is the process of evolution of man, and that man appears in dreams, trances, meditation among myriads of people irrespective of religion, race, sex and age as God-the-Preceptor who will teach and guide the seers through dreams etc. The seer will become ultimately the divine one and become one with God and the humanity. His or her goal of life will thus be fulfilled as in our cases, and if God wishes, in your case also.

We have seen that irrespective of religions whoever came to such a man, their individual religions remain intact, but in addition they are seeing him within them. A Muslim saw this man within him, but for that was he not performing his ritualistic work or did he not perform ‘Ajan’ or had he stopped reading Koran? He remained Muslim and in addition he was seeing him in dreams, trances etc.

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