Demoralizing woman as a commodity is a social evil . Explain.
Above point is true in every sense.
Sometimes womans are thought as an object and are reduced to social status which is very evil or extremely bad.
Women should be treated equally and roles given to them should have some moral ethics and values as they too are imopirtant for whole development of our society.
They are also part of society and thinking and seeing them as commodities is an evil act.
Women is always underestimated from ancient to modern times. Female infanticide, child marriage, Sati, sexual harassment is major social evils against woman.
Women is still underprivileged in society. Women are affected by sexual harassment, family tortures, early marriage and dowry problem. Patriarchy makes women as vulnerable in society. Even woman is fight in the womb itself because of female infanticide. Women and child are majorly affected by health issues still malnutrition child and women are majorly living in our country. In work place women are affected by sexual abuse and partiality in wages. Women literacy is still in par below than male literacy.