Biology, asked by linju582, 11 months ago

Derive michaelis menten equation for enzyme catalysed reaction


Answered by sanran
1. Assume a reaction equation in which enzyme and substrate bind reversibly and then go on to form
product. Assume an initial reaction, so there is very little product, making the second back reaction
                                                                                        k1                    k2
E  +  S   [ES]  E + P
2. The initial  rate (v0) of the reaction is
vo = k2[ES]
3. The problem is that we cannot know [ES] because it forms during the reaction. But we can make the
steady state assumption that it is a low concentration that doesn’t change because the rate of its
formation is equal to the rate of its breakdown.
k1[E][S] = k‐1[ES] + k2[ES]
4. But we also don’t know [E], which is the concentration of free enzyme, because some of the enzyme
is bound. We know that the total enzyme concentration is the sum of the free and bound enzyme.
[ET] = [E] + [ES]
5. Substitute total enzyme in to the steady state and rearrange to solve for [ES]
k1 (ET ‐ ES)[S] = k‐1[ES] + k2[ES]
k1 [ET] [S] = (k1[S] + k‐1 + k2) [ES]
[ES] = ௞భሾா೅ሿሾௌሿ
௞షభା ௞మା ௞భሾௌሿ
6. Rearrange this expression to isolate the rate constants, then replace those constants with a new
constant called the Michaelis constant, KM.
[ES] = ሾா೅ሿሾௌሿ
ೖషభశ ೖమ
ೖభ ା ሾௌሿ
[ES] = ሾா೅ሿሾௌሿ
௄ಾା ሾௌሿ
7. Substitute the expression of [ES] from point 6. Into the rate equation from point 2. k2 can also be
called the catalytic constant, kcat, because it represents the rate constant for reaction.
v0 = ௞మሾா೅ሿሾௌሿ
௄ಾା ሾௌሿ   =  
௄ಾା ሾௌሿ
8. The maximum velocity, Vmax, is equal to the total enzyme concentration times the catalytic constant.
Substitute Vmax into the equation to get the final form of the Michaelis‐Menton equation.
v0 = ௏೘ೌೣሾௌሿ
௄ಾା ሾௌሿ
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