Chemistry, asked by Pushpakamesh1758, 1 year ago

Describe an activity to show that hydrogen is produced when dilute hydrochloric acid reacts zinc granules


Answered by Harsh10000
take zinc granule in flash and slowly add hcl there is gas realised then take buring candle near gas bubble it burst with pop sound

Answered by omegads03

Take few pieces of zinc granules and add 5 ml of dilute HCl. Shake it and pass the gas produced into soap solution. The bubbles of the soap solution are formed. These soap bubbles contain hydrogen gas.

2HCl + Zn⇒ Zn (Cl_{2} )+2H_{2}

We can test the evolved hydrogen gas by its burning with a pop sound when a candle is bought near the soap bubbles.

Hydrogen gas is usually liberated when an acid reacts with a metal.

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