English, asked by divergent07, 11 months ago

describe good law in your country in 250 words


Answered by akanshgarg

Child labor has been an international concern as it damages, destroys and spoils the present and the future of not only the child but of a country. A child is the hope of a nation and yet when millions of them are deprived of a carefree childhood, it directly impacts the growth of the country. Although, child labor is common in most of the parts of the world, it is more often faced in the developing and underdeveloped sections.

There are several reasons for forcing a child into work. Firstly, it increases the family income. A family which is finding it difficult to make its need meet, is more likely to send their child to work then to school. Secondly, a child labour is more likely to work at lower wages, which is exactly more factories are likely to hire them. Even more, a child is less likely to indulge in dishonesty and is less liable to misbehave or be violent, which is what makes them perfect for domestic aid.

Child Abuse

Although, it might seem that the issue of child labour can never be solved, there are several way in which we can surely fight the issue. Firstly, the government needs to make sure that the laws made are strictly adhered. Even more, the general public should be made aware of the severe consequences of child labor. Secondly, an increase in employment opportunity for adults would help in overcoming the issue of poverty which is more likely to reduce the number of children being forced into labor work.

Overall, it is not only the responsibility of government to ensure that number of child labours are reduced. But every educated person of a country to ensure that the children of the country get a bright future, a future that every child deserves to have.

Answered by vipingoyal7440

Well, every single country runs on law and order and I think all laws which have been made with the intention of the public's safety are good. However, the one with which I really impressed is the law about the death penalty for the child rapist, which came into an action in 2011. This law comes under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) 376A, this law is really required as there was serious of cases filed against child rapist and there was no sign of reducing it. Since this law is introduced crime is reduced a bit at least.

I am an avid news reader and I read almost all news profoundly, but I really don't remember the exact date of a published newspaper when the news of passing this ordinance printed. Probably it was in May 2011. In all the major newspaper, it was the front page news and a wide range of people from my country rejoiced this news.

Based on the description I read, anyone involved in assaulting a child under the age of 12 would be punished for his death. There were some gang rape cases also filed many times, this law considers all the people who involved directly or indirectly in such activity and give punishment equally to all of them. This will directly have an impact on potential criminals as they will think twice about this law.

Not only this law discourages any possible child rape but also gives the death penalty to criminal by which the abuser gets justice for their loses. This is the reason I think it is a really good low.

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