Accountancy, asked by GSSSGFGH9138, 1 year ago

Describe how seasons are made and reversed between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.


Answered by anamika17511

That is because they are on opposite sides of our planet. If one side is illuminated, then the other side must be shadowed. So the Earth alternates between

Northern hemisphere tilted toward the Sun, southern hemisphere tilted away from the Sun


Northern hemisphere tilted away from the Sun, southern hemisphere tilted toward the Sun

It does so by moving around the Sun; the Earth’s spin axis moves much more slowly.

Tilting toward the Sun makes summer, and tilting away from the Sun makes winter.

The two states are thus Northern Hemisphere summer and Southern Hemisphere winter, and Northern Hemisphere winter and Southern Hemisphere summer.

Turning to the remaining two seasons, spring is winter-to-summer and fall is summer-to-winter, thus the two hempsheres also have one hemisphere spring, the other hemsphere fall.

Answered by sharp65


the earth's axis is tilted so when the northern hemisphere is facing the sun it receives maximum amount of Sunlight and the summer season is prevalent in the Northern hemisphere at the same time the southern hemisphere is a away from the sun as a result is receives less amount of Sunlight and it faces the winter season the same happens when the southern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun it receiving maximum amount of Sunlight and summer season in prevalent here and the reverse happening in the Northern hemisphere... Thus both hemispheres have reveresed seasosn..

Hope this helps

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