Describe life cycle of obelia with diagram in hindi
The polyp colony facilitates asexual reproduction. During this stage of life, the confinement of obelia is to the substrate surfaces.
There are gastrozooidsthis available on this mature colony. Furthermore, gastrozooidsthis refers to individual hydranths.
The gastrozooidsthis certainly expand and contract so as to facilitate the growth of this organism by feeding. The reproductive polyp gonozooids consist of medusa buds.
Other hydranths have a specialization for defence. Furthermore, the main stalky body of the colony comprises of coenosarc. Moreover, this coenosarc is covered by a protective perisarc.
The next generation of the life cycle begins when the release of medusae takes place from the gonozooids. This results in the production of free-swimming only male medusae velum.
Furthermore, these male medusa velum have gonads, a mouth, and tentacles. The physical appearance of the male and female medusae velum is probably indistinguishable.
The determination of the sex can take place only by the observation of the inside of the gonads. Most noteworthy, the inside of the gonads would certainly contain sperm or eggs.
The medusae certainly reproduce sexually and facilitate the release of sperm and eggs. The sperm and egg undergo fertilization to result in the formation of a zygote.
Moreover, the zygote certainly morphs into a blastula and consequently into a ciliated swimming larva. Also, this swimming larva is planula.
The planulae live free-swimming for some time but then they eventually attach themselves to a solid surface. Moreover, then the planulae start their reproductive phase of life.
When the attachment to a substrate takes place, a planula quickly changes into a feeding polyp. When the polyp keeps growing, it continues to develop the branches of other feeding individuals.
Finally, it results in the formation of a new generation of polyps by asexual budding