Biology, asked by nikhil8534, 1 year ago

Describe movement across cell membranes by diffusion and by active transport


Answered by Rothindro

This semipermeability, or selective permeability,is a result of a double layer (bilayer) of phospholipid molecules interspersed with protein molecules. The outer surface of each layer is made up of tightly packed hydrophilic(or water-loving) polar heads. Inside, between the two layers, you find hydrophobic (or water-fearing) nonpolar tails consisting of fatty acid chains.

Cholesterol molecules between the phospholipid molecules give the otherwise elastic membrane stability and make it less permeable to water-soluble substances. Both cytoplasm and the matrix, the material in which cells lie, are primarily water. The polar heads electrostatically attract polarized water molecules while the nonpolar tails lie between the layers, shielded from water and creating a dry middle layer.

The membrane’s interior is made up of oily fatty acid molecules that are electrostatically symmetric, or nonpolarized. Lipid-soluble molecules can pass through this layer, but water-soluble molecules such as amino acids, sugars, and proteins cannot, instead moving through the membrane via transport channels made by embedded channel proteins. Because phospholipids have both polar and nonpolar regions, they’re also called amphipathic molecules.

The cell membrane is designed to hold the cell together and to isolate it as a distinct functional unit of protoplasm. Although it can spontaneously repair minor tears, severe damage to the membrane will cause the cell to disintegrate. The membrane is picky about which molecules it lets in or out. It allows movement across its barrier by diffusion, osmosis, or active transport.


Diffusion is a natural phenomenon with observable effects like Brownian motion.Molecules or other particles spontaneously spread, or migrate, from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration until equilibrium occurs. At equilibrium, diffusion continues, but the net flow balances except for random fluctuations.

This occurs because all molecules possess kinetic energy of random motion. They move at high speeds, colliding with one another, changing directions, and moving away from areas of greater concentration to areas of lower concentration. The diffusion rate depends on the mass and temperature of the molecule; lighter and warmer molecules move faster.

Diffusion is one form of passive transport that doesn’t require the expenditure of cellular energy. A molecule can diffuse passively through the cell membrane if it’s lipid-soluble, uncharged, and very small, or if a carrier molecule can assist it. The unassisted diffusion of very small or lipid-soluble particles is called simple diffusion. The assisted process is known as facilitated diffusion.

The cell membrane allows nonpolar molecules (those that don’t readily bond with water) to flow from an area where they’re highly concentrated to an area where they’re less concentrated. Embedded in the membrane are transmembrane protein molecules called channel proteins that traverse from the outer layer to the inner layer and create diffusion-friendly openings for molecules to move through.


Osmosis is a form of passive transport that’s similar to diffusion and involves a solvent moving through a selectively permeable or semipermeable membrane from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. Solutions are composed of two parts: a solvent and a solute.

The solvent is the liquid in which a substance is dissolved; water is called the universal solvent because more materials dissolve in it than in any other liquid.
A solute is the substance dissolved in the solvent.

Transport by osmosis is affected by the concentration of solute (the number of particles) in the water. One molecule or one ion of solute displaces one molecule of water. Osmolarity is the term used to describe the concentration of solute particles per liter. As water diffuses into a cell, hydrostatic pressure builds within the cell. Eventually, the pressure within the cell becomes equal to, and is balanced by, the osmotic pressure outside.

An isotonic solution has the same concentration of solute and solvent as found inside a cell, so a cell placed in isotonic solution — typically 1 percent saline solution for humans — experiences equal flow of water into and out of the cell, maintaining equilibrium.

A hypotonic solution has less solute and higher water potential than inside the cell. An example is 100 percent distilled water, which has less solute than what is inside the cell. Therefore, if a human cell is placed in a hypotonic solution, molecules diffuse down the concentration gradient until the cell’s membrane bursts.

A hypertonic solution has more solute and lower water potential than inside the cell. So the membrane of a human cell placed in 10 percent saline solution (10 percent salt and 90 percent water) would let water flow out of the cell (from the higher concentration inside to the lower concentration outside), therefore shrinking it.

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