describe peninsular plateau (5mark)
The Peninsular Plateau of India is roughly triangular in shape with its base parallel to the Ganga Valley and its apex pointing towards the southern tips of the country. It is hard old mass of igneous and metamorphic rocks being part of the tectonic plate called the Gondwanaland.
The Peninsular Plateau is also known as Plateau of Peninsular India.It is roughly triangular in shape.It is composed of old crystalline, igneous and metamorphic rocks.It was formed due to the breaking and drifting of the Gondwana land and thus, making it a part of the oldest landmassIt covers a total area of about 16 lakh sq kilometers.
It covers a total area of about 16 lakh sq kilometers.The average height of the plateau is 600-900m above sea level.
Most of the peninsular rivers flow west to east indicating its general slope.
Most of the peninsular rivers flow west to east indicating its general slope.Narmada-Tapti are the exceptions which flow from east to west in a rift
Most of the peninsular rivers flow west to east indicating its general slope.Narmada-Tapti are the exceptions which flow from east to west in a riftThe Peninsular Plateau is one of the oldest landforms of earth.
Peninsular Plateau is an aggregation of several smaller plateaus, hill ranges interspersed with river basins and valleys.
Peninsular Plateau is an aggregation of several smaller plateaus, hill ranges interspersed with river basins and valleys.The plateau has broad shallow valleys and rounded hills.This plateau consists of two broad divisions which consists of other small plateaus.