English, asked by arnavVerma64, 10 months ago

Describe the butter episode in the ch. Packing .


Answered by ɪᴛᴢPÍɴᴋPèåʀʟ


This episode is very humorous. First of all George stepped on the butter and after getting it out from his slipper, they tried to pack it in the kettle. It was a difficult task and they decided to take it out. What had already gone in wouldn't come out an when finally it did come out, they put it on the chair.

Hope it helps u

Answered by ShamashriMndl


The butter episode in the story caused a lot of nuisance as it was being handled by the clumsiest of people. First of all, George stepped over the butter and then he and Harris struggled to put it in the kettle but got stuck. The butter would neither go in nor could it be taken out. Then Harris somehow managed to scrape it and put it on the chair. A little while later, an absent-minded Harris sat on the chair and the butter got stuck to his back. Then the two boys started looking for the butter all over the place without knowing that it was stuck behind Harris’s back. After having toppled everything in their search for the butter, George finally noticed it behind Harris’s back from where it was removed. Hence, the butter episode created a lot of nuisance and became the funniest episode in the story.



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