Chemistry, asked by psingh98000, 1 year ago

Describe the common features which can be explained by the theoretical model of Bohr? Briefly write the limitation of this model


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limitations of Bohr 's theory

1. it does not explain the spectra of multi electron atoms

2. when a high resolving power spectroscope is used, it is observed that a spectral line in the hydrogen spectrum is not a simple line but a collection of several lines which are very close to one another.

this is known as fine spectrum.

Bohr 's theory does not explain the fine spectra of even hydrogen atom

3. Bohr 's theory is not in agreement with Heisenberg 's uncertainty principle.

4. it does not explain the splitting of the spectral lines into a group of finer lines under the influence of magnetic field which is called Zeeman effect and under the influence of electric filed which is called stark effect.

student-name Shraddha asked in Chemistry
write the main posulates of bohr's theory. explain the quantization of energy. write the limitations of bohr's theory.

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student-name Pankaj Singh answered this
in Chemistry, Class
Postulates for Bohr’s model for hydrogen Atom

The electron in the hydrogen atom moves around the nucleus in a circular path of fixed radius and energy. These circular paths are called orbits, stationary states, or allowed energy states.
Energy is absorbed when electron jumps from lower orbit to a higher orbit and is emitted when electron jumps from higher orbit to a lower orbit.
Frequency (ν) of absorbed or emitted radiation is given by,
(Bohr’s frequency rule)

Where, E1 and E2 are the energies of lower and higher allowed energy states respectively,v=delE/h

Angular momentum (L) of an electron in a stationary state is given by,
MVR=NH/2π n=1,2,3...
Hope this answer helps u
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