English, asked by arafatkan644, 6 months ago

describe the describe the difference between a prophet and a Rasul


Answered by Juneda


After reading the above explanation I hope you might have understood the difference between a prophet and a Rasul. Thank you. Please mark me as the Brainliest and give a Thanks

Answered by sishuvo125


Prophets brought revelation to nations or peoples that were receptive (e.g., Adam, Ismaeel, Ishaaq, Suleiman or Yahya). Messengers were sent to hostile nations that had abandoned revelation (e.g., Mohammad, Yusuf, Isa, Musa). Prophets are not messengers, but messengers can be prophets, where they gain followers who are receptive to their message.

The differences between a prophet and a messenger are explained below:

  • Messenger conveys revelation, whilst a Prophet does not: A prophet is inspired with revelation but is not expected to convey it, whilst a messenger is obliged to convey it to people.

  • Messenger bring a new Shariah: A messenger is someone who brings a new shariah (code of morals/ethics/laws), abrogating those preceding it, presumably because his qawm had abandoned the previous revelation and were lost. A prophet, however, follows the shariah of the previous messenger presumably because their qawm preserved it and live by it.

  • Messenger convey revelation to a hostile nation: Surah Naba (verse 2) uses the term to refer to news or information suggesting a nabi is one who informs others with the information he possesses. Rasool, however, means to send a delegate, envoy, emissary or ambassador, to a nation with whom one is usually not on good terms.
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